Equiped with several mobile mapping systems Imajbox®, developped by Imajing, IMMERGIS realises immersive images integrated via plugins to your current GIS (QGIS, ARCGIS®, Elyx, Geomedia) and/or your webmapping implemented solution.
These 3D and geo-localised images allows to work in a real field environment, to measure directly assest in the images (height, length), to geo-localised any asset in 3D and to share directly information on several platforms.
IMMERGIS provides:
- A better understanding of existing network
- Geo-localised and high definition images of the whole territory
- Direct access to the network’s asset from the office
- GIS data collection to provide a road asset management tool
3D immersive viewing
- Complete attributs qualification (condition, sizes, etc.)
- Optimal images quality to have the best possibilities for a direct measures of asset in the image
- Roadway viewing according to a determined pace, in both ways of direction
- Wide-angle and panoramic viewing available
Geo-localised images
Collected images have an accurate geo-localisation (sub-meter accuracy – <3% measure), and have a geo-localisation in X, Y, Z.
Images exploitation
- Collected immersive integration in the GIS
- Collaborative 3D digitizing in a Web platform
- Digitizing in ArcGis®/QGis of assets appearing in images (signs, equipments, etc.)
- Data update and management directly in images
Nationwide survey
IMMERGIS brings high intervention flexibility. We can provide network’s mapping on nationwide territory.
Specific survey
For special itinary, images collection frequency, images resolution, specific angle capture, etc. please contact us!